XXII National Solar Energy Conference
Mexicali Industrial Exposition

Dear Sir/Madam:

You are cordially invited to participate with a booth or station in the Industrial Exposition at the "XXII National Solar Energy Conference" in Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico, which will be held from September 28th to October 2nd, 1998.

The Universidad Autónoma de Baja California and the Regional Chapter of the National Association of Solar Energy (ANES-ISES) are planning to host The Industrial Expo which will be the opportunity to meet customers and representatives of manufacturers and designers of systems, equipment, materials for energy conservation and renewable energy resources and urban sustainability from Mexico, Canada and the USA, in which we believe will be a magnificent occasion for you to present your products and services to the wide attendance which is expected.

We are offering:

For the price of $700.00 U.S.D. you will get:

  1. A 20 m2 booth with electrical service,
  2. Your participation in the Conference Program and simultaneous translation into Spanish provided during your presentation,
  3. Technical and logistic assistance in the customs proceedings for the temporary internment to Mexico and retirement back of goods and
  4. If required, at an extra cost of $220.00 U.S.D., one of our aides-du-camp, who, after the required training which may be taken by reading, video, or by the web under our supervision, will take care of your installation during the event and send you a report with happenings and results obtained.

Or for a price of $250.00 U.S.D. you can have a 6 m2 station for the exhibition of samples and literature, plus what is described in points 3 and 4 above.

For planning purposes it would be appreciated if you would reply as soon as possible or in any event before the end of the second week of July to any of the numbers reported at http://www.uabc.mx/anes our web page where you will find more detailed information.

Expecting to hear from you soon,

The Industrial Expo Committee

Mexicali, Baja, California June 15,1998

For more information, in the USA:

Contact EcoSystems