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Draft Business Plan
by iNet News Manager
Umunum News Room
source: Umunum Chapter of CPRT

•• July 25, 2000 •• SolarQuest® iNet News Service •• PRT BUSINESS PLAN - 7/11/00

PARTICIPANTS - Charles Adelberg, Jeral Poskey, Dennis Manning, Bob Williams, and Dave Walworth
I. Introduction - Status of Lockheed-Martin is unknown, They have no money; in any case, we will look for it.
II. Worth of Taxi 2000 - appraised at $10 M ten years ago; a lot of work has been done since then, so we estimate $20 M.
Eva;luation is based on venture (sic). It needs public buy-in.
III. What will work according to CRA
A. Taxi 2000 exists, and UM owns technical rights which must be
close to public domain now, i.e. 18 years old. The real
value is in the software which JEA has developed in last
10 years.
B. Create a new company. (History - RTYA had $40M, Stone & Webster folded when we needed them most, so contractor became Raytheon with whom jea had been associated before.)
What model should we adopt?
1. Boeing builds (Co. #1), AA, UA, SWA fly them (Co’s 2-n)
@. Gorilla - CPRT-U does it all.
C. Role of Implementer
1. first stage investment (?Angel)
2. Assemble starting team -what expertise needed? management
team, subcontractors. (Local manufacturers would be a strong plus were they in Watsonville, and that is where
we looked for the public buy-in.)
3. Franchise agreements
4. Second stage funding
5 Implmentation
a. Test site
b. first loop - tak to neighbors, customers, et al.
IV. To be included -
A. Private investors
B. Owners of software and hardware
C. Prime Contractor .
D. Operator
E. Public Agencies
F. Interested copmpanies -
1. Venture capitalists
2. Angels
3. Real estate
4. Corps who need workers who can neither afford housing nor
commute to work conveniently.
V. Arguments for :
A, Present system(s) are demonstrably failing
B. Enlaarging them will not work
C. You need PRT
D. It will be profitable not only to the investors but the
beneficiaries who free up land, can commute, and can attract
E. It will ultimately be a practical freight carrier
F. Royalty rights - technology, marketing, sales, construction

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