Energy and Transportation Policy

Casting From the Frying Pan... ... into the Fire
The Wizard Energy Independence?! Oil trade deficit was $251.6 B in 2005.δ We each consume our body weight in oil every week.δ
Kansas In State of the Union 2006, Bush advocated ethanolδ. Schwarzenegger backs a ballot initiative for ethanol.δ. Stanford gets $100 million to make alternative fuels including ethanol from cellulose.δ Switch to switchgrass; swap food for thought?
The Scarecrow Debate: Ethanol is a net energy bust?δ All biomass would meet < 15% of USA energy use.δ
Pete Wilson capitulated to Detroit, dropping 10% ZEVs by 2003δ ... sacrificing California's bid for auto market share.δ (Never mind pollution abatement, CO2.)
The Tin Man
General Motors had its worst year in 45.δ Toyota reports record earnings.δ.
The Lion
Democrats blocked the solar initiative.δ Schwarzenegger talked CPUC into solar anyway.δ
Yellow Brick Road Schwarzenegger wants $222 Billion for infrastructure.δ More freewaysδ as oil supplies are about to plummetδ .
Germany, Japan,δ Chinaδ have maglev trains, 250 mph. USA maglev, high speed rail is a political football.
Smoke and Mirrors Electricity to Hydrogen ~ 70%
Fuel Cell, Hydrogen to Electricity ~ 50%
Hydrogen round trip ~ 35%; even less in a vehicle.
Sunny California
PV PhotoSynthesis is 1% efficient.δ [more] PhotoVoltaics are 10-15% efficient.
EV EVs can get 100 mpg equivalent. PRT is projected to get 200 mpg equivalent.
PV+EV → PRT PV:PS * EV:IC = 10:1 * 3:1 = 30:1 → PV:PS * PRT:IC = 10:1 * 10:1 = 100:1
PV powered EV is 30 times better than ethanol! Track's solar canopy is enough to power PRT.
Anyone clicking their heels to go back to Kansas?
Inspirators Sweden aims to end oil dependency by 2020.δ

Iceland to abolish fossil fuels altogether .δ

Will California rise to the challenge?
Champions Getting on Board Who?
  • Silicon Energy
  • Electric utilities
  • Power electronics
  • Nanotechnology
  • Composite construction
  • Employment
  • Create and keep key future businesses
  • Eliminate causes of international strife
  • Clean air, avoid toxic spills
  • Goodbye to congestion